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Publications 2000-2005

LALÈYÈ, P. 2000. Acadja fisheries enhancement systems in Benin: Their productivity and environmental impacts. ICLARM – The World Fish Center: Penang (Malaysia); ICLARM Conf. Proc; vol. 63, pp. 51-52; 2000; (Biodiversity and sustainable use of fish in the coastal zone) ISSN: 0115-4435 ISBN: 971-802-009-8.

LALÈYÈ P. 2000. Integrated resource management for inland fisheries development in west Africa: the traditional systems. FAO/DIFID Workshop on Integrated Resource Management for Inland Fisheries Development in West Africa. Accra, Ghana, 20-23 March, 2000. FAO Doc Tech. 10 p.

LALÈYÈ P. 2000. Préface. 
In H. Ticheler, Plan d’action régional. Conservation de la biodiversité des poisons dans les zones humides de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Wetlands International. 3-6. Wagueningen, Pays-Bas.

LORENZEN, K.; AMARASINGHE, U.S.; BARTLEY, D.M.; BELL, J.D.; BILIO, M.; De SILVA, S. S.; GARAWAY, C.J.; HARTMANN, W.D.; KAPETSKY, J.M.; LALEYE, P.; MOREAU, J.; SUGUNAN, V.V.; SWAR, D.B. 2000Strategic review of enhancements and culture-based fisheries. Aquaculture in the Third Millennium, pp. 221-237; 2001 [Technical Proceedings of the Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium, Bangkok, Thailand. 20-25 February 2000. Edited by RP Subasinghe, PB Bueno, MJ Phillips, C Hough, SE McGladdery & JR Arthur] ISBN: 974-7313-55-3

LALEYE P., A. CHIKOU, C. NIYONKURU & J. MOREAU. 2001. The acadjas in Lake Nokoué and Porto-Novo lagoon (Benin, West Africa): Influence of an artificial substrat on natural fish populations, A quantitative analysis. Abstract. 2 nd Symposium for European Freshwater, SEFS2. Toulouse 8-13 July 2001.

2003. Evolution récente de la diversité ichtyologique du lac Nokoué en république du Bénin. 2ème Rencontre de l’Ichtyologie de France, RIF 2003. 25-28 mars 2003.

LALÈYÈ P., CHIKOU A., EZIN A., J.C. PHILIPPART. & R. WELCOMME. 2003. Fish and fisheries of the Oueme Delta, Bénin (West Africa). 20p. [Technical Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries]. Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 11-14 Feb 2003.

BARAS E. & P. LALÈYÈ. 2003. Ecology and Behaviour of Catfishes. In G. Arratia, B.G. Kapoor, M. Chardon and R. Diogo (Eds.). Catfishes. Science Publishers, Inc. Vol 2. pp 525-579. ISBN 1-57808-283-8 USA.

P. LALÈYÈ & J. MOREAU. 2004. Resources and constraints of west African coastal waters for fish production. In Abban, E.K., C.M.V. Casal, P. Dugan and T.M. Falk (eds). Biodiversity, Management and Utilization of West African Fishes. WorldFish Center Conference Proceedings, pp. 28-30. Contribution no 1718. ISBN 983-2346-32-0.

P. LALÈYÈ. 2004. West African Fish and Fisheries Association (WAFA). In . In Abban, E.K., C.M.V. Casal, P. Dugan and T.M. Falk (eds). Biodiversity, Management and Utilization of West African Fishes. WorldFish Center Conference Proceedings, pp. 43-45. Contribution no 1718. ISBN 983-2346-32-0.

2004. Etude de la diversité ichtyologique du bassin du fleuve Ouémé au Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest). Cybium, 28(4) : 329-339. France.

LALÈYÈ P., SALAKO O., CHIKOU A., PHILIPPART J.C., 2005Artisanal gill-net fishery catches of the catfish, Schilbe intermedius (Teleostei: Schilbeidae) in two ributaries of Ouémé river, Bénin, West Africa. African Journal of Aquatic Science. 30(2): 163-166. South Africa.